A 60 year old female with T2DM & HTN since 2 years c/o pricking type of chest pain since 4 days and uncontrolled sugars secondary to ? right upper lobe pneumonic consolidation with sepsis 
Plain radiograph of chest , frontal view

Trachea shifted towards right
Hyperdense area noted in the right upper lobe 
Inflammation (acute phase reactant)
Approach to hypoalbuminemia
  • Piptaz & clarithromycin : for his right upper lobe pneumonic consolidation and sepsis
  • Egg white & protien powder : for hypoalbuminemia
  • Lactulose : for constipation
  • Actrapid / Mixtard : for hyperglycemia
  • Tramadol : for pain management
  • Pantop : to prevent gastritis
  • Zofer : to prevent vomitings
5th question
Liver : Chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) secondary to HBV

Kidney : AKI on CKD (Hepatorenal syndrome) , Hyperkalemia

GI : GAVE , portal hypertensive gastropathy

Lung : pneumonia , pleural effusion
How do you approach and evaluate this patient with Hepatitis B?


3. What is the pathogenesis of the illness due to Hepatitis B?
4.Is it necessary to have a separate haemodialysis set up for hepatits B patients and why?

Yes , 
separate machines must be used for patients known to be infected with HBV (or at high risk of new HBV infection). A machine that has been used for patients infected with HBV can be used again for non-infected patients only after it has been decontaminated using a regime deemed effective against HBV because of increased risk of transmission due to contamination.

5.What are the efficacies of each treatment given to this patient? Describe the efficacies with supportive RCT evidence. 

  • Tenofovir : for HBV
  • Vitamin -k : for ? Deranged coagulation profile (PT , INR & APTT reports not available)
  • Pantop : for gastritis
  • Zofer : to prevent vomitings
  • Monocef (ceftriaxone) : for AKI (? renal)


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