
4- 1ans:- A 60 year old female with T2DM & HTN since 2 years c/o pricking type of chest pain since 4 days and uncontrolled sugars secondary to ? right upper lobe pneumonic consolidation with sepsis  2ans 3ans- Plain radiograph of chest , frontal view Trachea shifted towards right Hyperdense area noted in the right upper lobe  (consolidation) 4ans- Inflammation (acute phase reactant) Malnutrition Albuminuria Approach to hypoalbuminemia 5ans- Piptaz & clarithromycin : for his right upper lobe pneumonic consolidation and sepsis Egg white & protien powder : for hypoalbuminemia Lactulose : for constipation Actrapid / Mixtard : for hyperglycemia Tramadol : for pain management Pantop : to prevent gastritis Zofer : to prevent vomitings 5th question 1ans- Liver : Chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) secondary to HBV Kidney : AKI on CKD (Hepatorenal syndrome) , Hyperkalemia GI : GAVE , portal hypertensive gastropathy Lung : pneumonia , pleural effusion 2ans- How


Hello everyone I'm a medical intern.This blog is to share my experiences and cases I came across during this period This is an online E log book to post and discuss our patient's de-identified health data posted after taking informed consent where we discuss patient-centered clinical problems through series of discussions among the community of experts without letting the patient move to distant places to different doctors with an aim to solve their clinical problems with the collective best evidence input from them. This online platform also reflects my patient-centered learning portfolio. This is a case of 22yr old male with Cushings syndrome Case history: A 22 year old male resident of devarkonda came with Chief complaints of distension of abdomen and facial puffiness since 8months  HOPI He was apparently asymptomatic 1.5years back then developed red itchy ring like lesions over the thighs for which he applied clobeta GM for 7months intermittently he also took raktha shodini


Hello everyone I'm a medical intern.This blog is to share my experiences and cases I came across during this period This is an online E log book to post and discuss our patient's de-identified health data posted after taking informed consent where we discuss patient-centered clinical problems through series of discussions among the community of experts without letting the patient move to distant places to different doctors with an aim to solve their clinical problems with the collective best evidence input from them. This online platform also reflects my patient-centered learning portfolio. This is a case of 33 year old male with csvt A 33 year old male lorry driver by occupation the patient hailing from pochampalli came with the chief complaint of headache unilateral left-sided since four days frontotemporal region radiating to occipital region no diurnal variation associated with nausea blurring of vision diplopia no photophobia vomiting phonophobia Diplopia since 2 days bi


 case history: A 55 yr old male agricultural labourer from ramalingalagudam( Nalgonda ) Came with complaints of weakness of rt U/L and L/L and slurring of speech  since 3days  HOPI : He was apparently asymptomatic one month back then had weakness in the rt upper limb (sudden paresis) unable to take food  Followed by regain of power with in 24 hrs (?TIA) Patient again experienced weakness 3days back rt upper limb followed by rt lower limb (u/l>l/l)  sudden paresis  Also developed slurring of speech from 3days  Deviation of mouth to left Able to lift the head off the pillow Roll over the bed and no difficulty in breathing No thinning of muscles,pain, muscle cramps, fasciculations,tremors He is able to feel the clothes No neck pain, no back pain,no band like sensations, no unsteadiness on closing of eyes,no loc Bowel and bladder: regular Speech: slurring No alterations of smell, blurring of vision,no double vision Ability to chew food + Ability to close eyes mouth+ Able to blow his che

Daily log

Official leaves:2 23rd May:seen a case of OCD ,ADS, prodromal psychosis 24 th may:sunday read about schizophrenia 25th May: nephrology duty,read about GBS 26 th May: Nephrology duty,learnt how to intubate  27 th May:seen a caseof recurrent depressive disorder with current episode of severe depression,a case of ocd 28th May:seen a case of ATPD,a case of paranoid personality disorder with moderate depression 29th May: seen cases of schizophrenia with moderate depression,organic brain syndrome 30th May:official leave 31 st May:sunday 1st June: official leave 2nd June:casuality duty seen a case of hypokalemic periodic paralysis 3rd June:seen a case of alcohol withdrawal delirium, a case of bipolar disorder,a case of moderate depression,a case of ADS 4th June:seen 2 cases of ATPD,schizophrenia,panic attack,major the depressive disorder 5th June:seen case ofalcohol induced affective disorder ,psychosis 6th June: seen case of schizophrenia relapse,severe depression 7th June :read about bipola