Daily log

Official leaves:2
23rd May:seen a case of OCD ,ADS, prodromal psychosis
24 th may:sunday read about schizophrenia
25th May: nephrology duty,read about GBS
26 th May: Nephrology duty,learnt how to intubate 
27 th May:seen a caseof recurrent depressive disorder with current episode of severe depression,a case of ocd
28th May:seen a case of ATPD,a case of paranoid personality disorder with moderate depression
29th May: seen cases of schizophrenia with moderate depression,organic brain syndrome
30th May:official leave
31 st May:sunday
1st June: official leave
2nd June:casuality duty seen a case of hypokalemic periodic paralysis
3rd June:seen a case of alcohol withdrawal delirium, a case of bipolar disorder,a case of moderate depression,a case of ADS
4th June:seen 2 cases of ATPD,schizophrenia,panic attack,major the depressive disorder
5th June:seen case ofalcohol induced affective disorder ,psychosis
6th June: seen case of schizophrenia relapse,severe depression
7th June :read about bipolar disorder
8th June :discussed about IgA Nephropathy
9th June : opd day learnt how to put an IV canula
10th June :AMC duty learnt ryles tube insertion
11th June : AMC duty learnt Foley's catheterisation
12th June : discussed about IgA Nephropathy
13th June : case discussion about emphysematous pyelonephritis
14th June :icu duty learnt the procedure of central line
15th June:
16th June :opd day seen a case of hemiparesis(recovering) and his anxious friends who are scared of getting the same  and seen a case of transverse and sigmoid sinus thrombosis (admitted the case)
Seen central line placement
17th June : discussed about a case of cervical myelopathy learnt about scapulo humeral reflex 
18th June : following up our patients a case of pyelonephritis (her treatment antibiotics) a case of pleural effusion with consolidation a case of thrombosis of transverse and sigmoid sinus made soap notes of them
19th June: followed up our patients put SOAP notes of them read about UMN and LMN Lesions
20th june- discussion about arterial and venous hemorrhages and discussion on circle of willis and various symptoms associated
21st june- read about CSVT
22nd june- read about hypertensive drugs 
23rd june- assisted in putting a ryles tube, took history of case of CVA and performed examination
24th june- acute pancreatitis patient observed and taken for ultrasound abdomen
25th june- discussed about differences in PSVT AVNRT and panic attacks & treatment, their ECG changes
26th june- ABCDEF type of management in acute pancreatitis & BISAP scoring discussed
27th june- Discussion on Acute gastroenteritis differences between bacterial and viral infections
28th june- Read about ECG changes in different types of heart blocks
29th June discussed about Igg4syndrome
30th June op day seen cases of gastritis with Aki hemetemesis with sudden loss of consciousness and seen few cases of chest pain and a case of Cushings Syndrome and made a log of it and followed up a case. Of hypertensive urgency
1st July followed up our cases 
2nd July followed up our cases and discussed about Cushings syndrome
3rd July: read about Cushing's syndrome
4th July: followed up our patient with hypertensive urgency with l4 l5 disc degeneration 
5th July:
6th July:

7th July: Op day seen a case of dysarthria with rt ul tremors,a case of spondylitis,a case of young boy with palpitations, and few other cases
8th July:followed up our cases which got admitted a case of denovo diabetes whose blood sugar levels were constantly decreasing and another case of heart failure who underwent hemicolectomy for colon cancer 2yrs back took the patient for chest x-ray tried for diagnostic ascitic tap (?for any recurrence of malignancy) and took the patient for 2d echo to look for contractility ejection fraction Chambers of heart if any hypertrophy
9th July: read about hypokalemia ecg changes 
10th July:ICU duty monitored vitals of 2heart failure cases 
11thjuly: collected reports of our patients case of heart failure and hypoglycemia
12th July:
13th July: discharged a case of acute decompensated heartfailure(resolved) learnt about shine complex and treatment of heart failure
14th July:op day seen cases a lady who came for general checkup a case of low grade fever 
A pregnant lady referred in view of tachycardia who was wrongly prescribed thyronorm 25mcg 
Few primary contacts of covid 19 positive case 


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