
Hello everyone I'm a medical intern.This blog is to share my experiences and cases I came across during this period

This is an online E log book to post and discuss our patient's de-identified health data posted after taking informed consent where we discuss patient-centered clinical problems through series of discussions among the community of experts without letting the patient move to distant places to different doctors with an aim to solve their clinical problems with the collective best evidence input from them. This online platform also reflects my patient-centered learning portfolio.

This is a case of 33 year old male with csvt
A 33 year old male lorry driver by occupation the patient hailing from pochampalli came with the chief complaint of headache unilateral left-sided since four days frontotemporal region radiating to occipital region no diurnal variation associated with nausea blurring of vision diplopia no photophobia vomiting phonophobia
Diplopia since 2 days binocular vertical gaze evoked
No loss of consciousness no trauma no aggravating or relieving factors
No history of involuntary movements No involuntary movements weakness of limbs slurring of speech fever cough chest pain palpitations shortness of breath loose stools sweating
No bowel and bladder incontinence no ptosis no pain in the eye movements no loss of smell decreased visual acuity no facial asymmetry no drooling of saliva and tinnitus giddiness dysarthria no motor weakness no tremors no sensory impairment
Past history
Not a known case of diabetes mellitus hypertension no similar complaints in the past no CVA no CAD no TB epilepsy

Personal history
 he is a non-vegetarian chronic alcoholic 90 ML of whiskey per day since eight years stopped four days ago and he is a non-smoker non-gutka chewer
General examination
Patient is conscious coherent cooperated well built and well nourished
No pallor no icterus no cyanosis no clubbing no lymphadenopathy no Edema
PR: 94bpm
BP: 130/80
CVS S1 S2 heard no murmurs
P/A of non-tender
CNS higher motor function intact
Cranial nerve is normal
Bulk normal (both sides both limbs)
Tone normal (both side both limbs)

Biceps - -
Triceps - -
Supinator - -
Knee - -
Ankle - -
Plantar Flexor Flexor
Superficial reflex- abd +
Cremaster +
pain + + 
touch + +
vibration + + 
temperature + +
joint + +
Cerebellum - normal
Deltoid.     5/5.       5/5
Biceps.     5/5.       5/5
Triceps.    5/5.        5/5
Brachioradialis.  5/5.     5/5
Serratus anterior 5/5.    5/5
Pectoralis Major 5/5.     5/5
Supraspinatus.  5/5.     5/5
Infraspinatus.     5/5.     5/5
Latissimus dorsi 5/5.    5/5
ECR 5/5     5/5
ECU 5/5     5/5
FCR 5/5     5/5
FCU 5/5     5/5
EPB 5/5     5/5
EPL 5/5     5/5
FDP 5/5     5/5
Iliopsoas 5/5      5/5
Adductor femoris 5/5      5/5
Gluteus medius 5/5      5/5
Gluteus  maximus 5/5       5/5
Hamstrings 5/5     5/5

Quadriceps 5/5      5/5

Tibialis anterior 5/5     5/5

Tibialis posterior 5/5     5/5
Gastronemius 5/5      5/5
EDL 5/5     5/5
FDL 5/5     5/5
EHL 5/5     5/5
EDB 5/5     5/5
INR- 1
RBS- 94
PT- 14s
Urea- 18 
Creat- 0.8
UA- 10.0
K+ 4.0
TB- 1.10
Direct bilirubin- 0.30
AST 24
ALT 32
ALP 202
TP 6.9
A/G 1.21

Hb: 16.9%
TLC 7700
Neutro- 60
Mono- 06
Baso- 00
RBC- 5.06
Plt- 2.58

Supratentorial region large ill defined  t2 hypointense
T1 hyper intense areas showing Patchy peripheral diffusion restriction And complete blooming on SWI Measuring approximately 4×2.7cm Seen in the left posterior and temporal lobe With mild to moderate Peri lesional Edema
Loss of flow void in transverse and sigmoid sinuses Blooming on SWI—-s/o thrombosis
Mild effacement of left cerebral cortical Sulci Likely mild cerebral oedema
Diagnosis consideration: Venus haemorrhage due to thrombosis of left transverse and sigmoid sinuses

 Provisional diagnosis
Thrombosis of left transverse and sigmoid sinus

1.inj.clexane 60mg SC BD
2. Injection pan 40 MG/IV/OD
3.PCM tablet 650 MG/TID
4.monitor BP PR RR
5.Tepid sponging
6. Head end elevation
7. Tablet MVt OD.
8. Injection mannitol 100ML/IV/BD
After 2days in the hospital
Treatment- 5mg OD 40mg OD
3.Tab.PCM 650mg SOS
4.Head end elevation
5.monitor BP PR RR


Advice at discharge:
Continue to take warfarin 5mg OD(in the morning)for 1week 
Tab.PCM 650mg SOS
AND review after 1week with pt inr aptt reports. ..


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